Welcome to my webpage, I’m a PhD student in the group of Mikhail Lemeshko at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria close to Vienna. During my studies I worked on Quantum Chaos, Ultracold Atoms and Many-body Physics. In my current project I am investigating how to engineer Topological Phases with periodically kicked molecules. You can find a list of my publications on Google scholar.
Besides from Quantum physics, I am interested in dynamical and chaotic systems. In a project at the PIK I tried to understand how tipping elements in the climate system can interact with each other and change critical thresholds. Surprisingly, this has similarities to RG flows usually entertained in Quantum field theory.
In my free-time I enjoy making music and traveling.
You can contact me at vkarle[at]ist.ac.at or on Mastodon.
Academic background
2019 – PhD at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria
2016 – 2018 M.Sc. Physics from University of Heidelberg
2011 – 2015 B.Sc. Physics from University of Freiburg